Sunday, September 15, 2024

30.10.24: Level 1; Maxey [16] (2): reading and comprehension; part 2

Part 2

Quī sunt hī quattuor puerī qui in viā lātā ambulant? Amīcī sunt et fīliī agricolārum. Quid faciunt? Sagittās portant. Scūta et pila nōn portantur quod puerī mīlitēs nōn sunt et nōn pūgnant. Iacula nōn habent. Nōmen huius puerī altī est Mārcus. Medius puer est. Ā dextrā Mārcī est frāter, Lūcius, puer secundus, quī trēs sagittās portat. Ā sinistrā Mārcī est puer tertius, Carolus, nōmine. In capite Carolī est galea, sed mīles nōn est. Hic parvus puer, cuius nōmen est Claudius, post hōs trēs puerōs manet. Parvus est, sed cum puerīs magnīs ambulāre cupit. Dēfessus est quod puerī magnī properant.

[i] In which order are these statements first made?

carrying arrows

four boys

not carrying shields

not fighting

sons of farmers

walking in the road

[ii] Which statements apply to which boy? [A] MARCUS [B] LUCIUS [C] CAROLUS [D] CLAUDIUS

behind the others; carries three arrows; in the middle; Marcus’ brother; not a soldier; on the left; on the right; second boy; small; tall; third boy; tired; wearing a helmet

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