Thursday, April 4, 2024

26.02.24: ways of remembering numbers

26.02.24: ways of remembering numbers

The numbering system in English is not from Latin, but is of Germanic origin. However, the Latin numbers are evident in derivatives; they may not have come directly, but the origins in Latin are clear.

[1] ūnus: unity (being one undivided unit)

[2] duo: dual citizenship (being a citizen of two countries)

[3] trēs: triennial (happening every three years); trident, a three-pronged spear

[4] quattuor: quarter (not direct, but from La. quārtus 'fourth'); similarly 'quartet' (a musical item performed by four people)

[5] quīnque: quintet (again, not direct, but from La. quīntus 'fifth'), a musical item performed by five people; similarly, quintuplets, a group of five children from the same birth

[6] sex: if a mother gives birth to six children at the same time, those children are sextuplets!

The original Roman calendar comprised ten months. Therefore,

[7] September was the seventh month (La. septem)

[8] October was the eighth month (La. octō)

[9] November was the ninth month (La. novem)

[10] December was the tenth month (La. decem)

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