Thursday, April 4, 2024

26.02.24: nominative plural of first and second declension nouns [2]; quot?

26.02.24: nominative plural of first and second declension nouns [2]; quot?

Quot puellae in silvā ambulant? How many girls are walking in the forest?

Quot agricolae in agrō labōrant? How many farmers are working in the field?


Quot discipulī sunt in scholā? How many pupils are in the school?

Quot puerī in fluviō natant? How many boys are swimming in the rīver?

Quot librī sunt in mēnsā? How many books are (there) on the table?


Quot pōcula sunt in culīnā? How many wine-cups are in the kitchen?

quot: how many?

To form the nominative plural, you make the following changes:

First declension

-a > -ae

Singular: puell¦a (girl)

> Plural: puellae (girls)

Singular: naut¦a (sailor)

> Plural: naut¦ae (sailors)

Second declension

[1] -us > -ī

Singular: equ¦us (horse)

> Plural: equ¦ī (horses)

Singular: sagittari¦us (archer)

> Plural: sagittari¦ī (archers)

Most nouns ending in -er lose the final /e/ before adding -ī

Singular: ag¦er (field)

> Plural: agrī (fields)

Singular: magist¦er (teacher)

> Plural: magistrī (teachers)


[i] Singular: puer (boy)

> Plural: puer¦ī (boys)

[ii] Singular: vir (man)

> Plural: vir¦ī (men)

[2] -um > -a

Singular: templ¦um (temple)

> Plural: templ¦a (temples)


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