Friday, June 28, 2024

07.08.24: Level 2; the present active participle [2]; participles from outer space; declension [1]

Image #1: There are those who claim that, in ancient times, aliens visited our planet. If they did, the Romans never mentioned flying saucers, but that hasn’t prevented Neo Latin from making a word up!

orbis, -is [3/m] circle; disc / disc-shaped object

volō, -āre [1]: fly > volāns, volantis: flying

Ecce orbis volāns! Behold! A flying saucer!

All present active participles have a nominative in -ns:

Image #2: Participles formed from 1st 2nd and 3rd  conjugation verbs

The -re of the infinitive is removed to form the stem, and -ns is added. Note the shortening of the vowel in the stem change -nt-

Image #3: For 3rd-iō and 4th conjugation verbs, remove -re and change the stem vowel to - (ie).

The stem vowels used are the same as for the imperfect tense i.e.

amā¦ bam > amāns, amantis

docē¦ bam > docēns, docentis

dūcē¦ bam > dūcēns, ducentis

cap¦bam > capns, capientis

aud¦bam > audns, audientis

Image #4: All the participles have a genitive singular in -nt¦is; it is the -nt- that provides the stem for all the case endings.

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