Friday, June 21, 2024

29.07.24: Level 2; Dē crocodīlō [2]

adligō, adligāre, adligāvī [1]: bind / tie (to)

dolus, -ī [2/m]: trick

excōgitō, excōgitāre, excōgitāvī [1] devise; think up

fūnis, -is [3/m]: line; rope; cord

hāmus, -ī [2/m]: hook

omnīnō: entirely; utterly

ululō, ululāre, ululāvī [1]: howl

venter, ventris [3/m]: belly; stomach


  1. What did the man think would happen to the second son? [1 point]
  2. Why did the second son not see the body of his brother? [2 points]
  3. What did the third son feel about the crocodile? [2 points]
  4. What did the father think up? [1 point]
  5. What did he carry to the river bank? [2 points]
  6. What did the father do with the hook? [4 points]: Hāmum quoque habēbat, quem │[i] in porcī │[ii] cadāvere cēlāvit │ et [iii] ad fūnem │ [iv] adligāvit.

[B] What case are the nouns in bold and why is that case being used?

  1. Deinde senex secundō fīliō … exclāmāvit.
  2. Spectā cadāver frātris tuī!
  3. Nōlī ad flūmen Nīlum adīre!
  4. Namque in Nīlō habitat crocodīlus …
  5. frātrem tuum dēvorāvit…
  6. … namque iam [1] in ventre [2] Rōbertī iacēbat
  7. …vidēns hunc stultum puerum


[1] … et fīlium tertium ¦ in rīpā stantem ¦ longō baculō pulsāvit. │ …and, with a long stick, he beat the third son ¦ standing on the bank; again, ‘stantem’ is an example of a present active participle which will be discussed after these texts.

[2] magnā vōce ¦ ululāvit │ he howled ¦ in a loud voice; ablative case to indicate the manner in which an action is performed 

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