aperiō, aperīre, aperuī [4]: open
cadō, cadere, cecidī [3]: fall
extrahō, extrahere, extrāxī [3]: drag / pull out
haereō, haerēre, haesī [3]: stick
obeō, obīre, obiī [irr.]: go to meet; mortem obeō: die
Iēiūnus, -a, -um: hungry
quamquam: although
- How did the crocodile describe the third son? [1 point]
- Here is an example where a test question may want a lot of detail in an answer. Identify ‘blocks’ of information: Describe what happened when the crocodile wanted to eat the boy. [9 points] (Answer in the comments): [1] Ad porcī cadāver celeriter natāvit, │ [2] ōs aperuit, │ [3] porcum dēvorāvit. │ Sed [4] hāmus │ [5] in ōre eius │ [4] haesit │ et [6] senex │ [7] Rōbertum │ [8] fūne │ [9] ē flūmine Nīlō │ [6] extrāxit.*
- What did the man think it was not right for the crocodile to do? [1 point]
- What did he do to the crocodile? [1 point]
- Where was the crocodile kept? [1 point]
- What did the emperor’s slave do? [2 points]
- How do we know that the crocodile died happily? [2 points]
[B] Find the Latin
- He heard the boy wailing …
- He thought to himself …
- It isn’t proper ¦ for you (to eat…)
- … filled with sleep and food…
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