Wednesday, September 11, 2024

21.10.24: Level 1; review; practice in the verbs [5]; 1st conjugation; present tense; more practice

[A] Questions to the Roman and Barbarian soldiers military personnel. Complete the Latin with the verbs listed below.

  1. __________ne victōriam, lēgātī? │ Are you (pl.) announcing the victory, ambassadors?
  2. __________ne Ītaliam, barbarī?  │ Are you (pl.) occupying Italy, barbarians?
  3. __________ne equōs, aurīgae? │ Are you (pl.) spurring on the horses, charioteers?
  4. Rōmānī, __________ne pecūniam Gallīs?│Romans, are you (pl.) giving money to the Gauls?
  5. Lēgātī,  __________ne pecūniam Rōmānīs?│Ambassadors, are you (pl.) giving money to the Romans?
  6. Lēgātī,  __________ne bellum? │ Ambassadors are you (pl.) preparing for war?
  7. __________ne oppidum, Ō Rōmānī? │ Are you (pl.) storming the town, Romans?
  8. __________ne nostrōs? │ Are you (pl.) encouraging our men?
  9. __________ne agrōs? │ Are you (pl.) laying waste to / destroying the fields?
  10. __________ne Rōmānōs? │ Are you (pl.) conquering the Romans?
  11. __________ne signum proeliī,  lēgātī? │ Are you (pl.) giving the sign for battle, ambassadors?
  12. __________ne Rōmānōs, Gallī? │ Are you (pl.) chasing away the Romans, Gauls?
  13. __________ne in Britanniā? │ Are you (pl.) spending the winter in Britain?

datis; datis; dātis; expugnātis; fugātis; hiemātis; incitātis; incitātis; nūntiātis; occupātis; parātis; superātis; vastātis

[B] Choose the appropriate verb form to complete each sentence.

  1. Barbarī cum Rōmānīs [a] pugnat [b] pugnant [c] pugnātis.
  2. [a] Pugnātisne [b] Pugnāsne [c] Pugnatne cum Rōmānīs, barbarī?
  3. Cōpiae Caesaris oppidum vāllō [a] circumdat [b] circumdatīs [c] circumdant.
  4. Lēgātus victōriam [a] nūntiant [b] nūntiat [c] nūntiās.
  5. Lēgātī victōriam [a] nūntiant [b] nūntiat [c] nūntiās.
  6. [a] Nūntiāsne [b] nūntiatne [c] nūntiantne victōriam, ō lēgāte?
  7. Aurīga equum [a] incitant [b] incitat [c] incitātis.
  8. Cōpiae Rōmānae in Britanniā [a] hiemant [b] hiemat [c] hiemās.
  9. Ubi [a] hiemat [b] hiemās [c] hiemātis, ō Rōmāne?
  10. Quis signum proeliī [a] datis [b] dās [c] dat?

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