Thursday, October 24, 2024

17.01.25: Level 2; the passive voice [22]: the perfect passive [3]; translation practice [1]

Here are seven common verbs with their four principal parts; focus on the fourth part. Complete the Latin sentence with the appropriate perfect passive participle.

accūsō, accūsāre, accūsāvī, accūsātus [1]: accuse

aedificō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātus [1]: build

laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus [1]: praise

oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus [1]: attack

parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus [1]: prepare

rogō, rogāre, rogāvi, rogātus [1]: ask; invite

vulnerō, vulnerāre, vulnerāvī, vulnerātus [1]: injure

  1. Dinner was prepared by the slave. │ Cēna ā servō __________ est.
  2. Fabullus was invited to the banquet. │ Fabullus ad convīvium  __________ est.
  3. I was injured by a sword. │ Gladiō  __________ sum.
  4. Many beautiful temples were built by the Romans. │ Multa templa pulchra ā Rōmānīs  __________ sunt.
  5. Many cargo ships were prepared. │ Multae nāvēs onerāriae  __________ sunt.
  6. The brave girl was praised by all the citizens. │ Puella fortis ab omnibus cīvibus  __________ est.
  7. The slave was accused by the master. │ Servus ā dominō  __________ est.
  8. The soldiers were injured by arrows. │ Mīlitēs sagittīs  __________ sunt.
  9. The temple was built a hundred years ago. │ Templum abhinc centum annōs  __________ est.
  10. The town was attacked by the enemy. │ Oppidum ab hostibus  __________ est.
  11. The towns were attacked by the enemy. │ Oppida ab hostibus  __________ sunt.
  12. We were accused by you yourselves. │ Ā vōbīs ipsīs  __________ sumus.
  13. We were invited to the wedding. │ Ad nūptiās  __________ sumus.
  14. You (sg.) were praised by all the citizens. │ Ab omnibus cīvibus  __________ es.
  15. You were all praised by the citizens. │ Vōs omnēs ā cīvibus  __________ estis.

accūsātī; accūsātus; aedificāta; aedificātum; laudāta; laudātī; laudātus; oppugnāta; oppugnātum; parāta; parātae; rogātī; rogātus; vulnerātī; vulnerātus



  1. Cēna ā servō parāta est.
  2. Fabullus ad convīvium rogātus est.
  3. Gladiō vulnerātus sum.
  4. Multa templa pulchra ā Rōmānīs aedificāta sunt.
  5. Multae nāvēs onerāriae parātae sunt.
  6. Puella fortis ab omnibus cīvibus laudāta est.
  7. Servus ā dominō accūsātus est.
  8. Mīlitēs sagittīs vulnerātī sunt.
  9. Templum abhinc centum annōs aedificātum est.
  10. Oppidum ab hostibus oppugnātum est.
  11. Oppida ab hostibus oppugnāta sunt.
  12. Ā vōbīs ipsīs accūsātī sumus.
  13. Ad nūptiās rogātī sumus.
  14. Ab omnibus cīvibus laudātus es.
  15. Vōs omnēs ā cīvibus laudātī estis.

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