Thursday, October 24, 2024

16.01.25: level 2; crime and punishment [2]; the Seven Deadly Sins (Hieronymous Bosch c.1500)

accīdia, -ae [1/f]; acēdia, -ae [1/f]: sloth

avāritia, -ae [1/f]: greed; Bosch uses the Mediaeval spelling avaricia

gula, -ae [1/f]: gluttony

invidia, -ae [1/f]: envy; invideō, -ēre, invīdī, invīsus [2]: to envy

īra, -ae [1/f]: anger; wrath

lūxuria, -ae [1/f]: lust (luxury; extravagance); fornicātiō, -iōnis [3/f]: fornication (the term can also refer to prostitution)

superbia, -ae [1/f]: arrogance

The price of arrogance

Marsyas dares to challenge Apollo to a music competition. Not surprisingly, Marsyas loses …

Tum deus hominem īnfēlīcem propter superbiam crūdēliter pūnīvit: ad arborem vīnxit et cutem ā vīvō homine dētrāxit. │ Then the god cruelly punished the unhappy man for his pride: he tied him to a tree and tore the skin from the living man.

cutis, -is [3/f]: living skin

dētrahō, -ere, dētrāxī, dētractus [3]: remove; pull off

  • deus cutem dētrāxit │ the god removed the skin
  • cutis hominis īnfēlīcis dētracta est. │ the skin of the unfortunate man was removed

pūniō, -īre, pūnīvī, pūnītus [4]: punish

  • deus hominem pūnīvit │ the god punished the man
  • homō ā deō pūnītus est │ the man was punished by the god

vinciō, -īre, vīnxī, vīnctus [4]: bind; tie; fetter; chain

  • deus hominem ad arborem vīnxit │ the god tied the man to a tree
  • homō ad arborem vīnctus est │ the man was tied to a tree

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