Thursday, October 24, 2024

12.01.25: level 1; topic; school [21]; science [3]; Physica Curiosa (1662) [2] vocabulary and notes; ablative of description

Despite the bizarre nature of the images and descriptions, those extracts from Physica Curiosa contain a lot of useful vocabulary and also show a particular use of the ablative case.


[1] animals

agnus, -ī [2/m]: lamb

animal, -is [3/n]: animal

aquila, -ae [1/f]: eagle

avis, -is [3/f] bird

dracō, dracōnis [3/m]: dragon; serpent

gallus, -ī [2/m]: rooster

mōnstrum, -ī [2/n]: monster; a thing of wonderment

ōvum, -ī [2/n]: egg

proboscis, -is [3/f]: snout; trunk of an elephant

rōstrum, -ī [2/n]: beak

sūs, suis [3 m/f]: pig

vitulus, -ī [2/m]: bull calf

vulpēs, vulpis [3/f]: fox; vixen

  • ānser, -is [3/m]: goose > ānserinus, -a, -um: pertaining to a goose; rōstrum ānserinum: a goose’s beak
  • canis, -is [3 m/f]: dog > canīnus, -a, -um: pertaining to a dog; caput canīnum: a dog’s head
  • elephantus, -ī [2/m]: elephant > elephantīnus, -a, -um: pertaining to an elephant; caput elephantīnum: an elephant’s head

[2] people

epīscopus, -ī [2/m]: bishop

homō, hominis [3/m]: man; human (being); person

īnfāns, īnfantis [3 m/f]: infant

monachus, -ī [2/m]: monk

puella, -ae [1/f]: girl

puer, -ī [2/m]: boy

pūsiō, pūsiōnis [3/m]: young boy; lad

vir, -ī [2/m]: man

[3] body parts

barba, -ae [1/f]: beard

bracchium, -ī [2/n]: forearm

capillus, -ī [2/m]: can refer to a single hair or the entire hair of the head; also used in the plural

caput, capitis [3/n]: head

collum, -ī [2/n]: neck

digitus, -ī [2/m]: finger; toe

natis, -is [3/f]: rump; buttock (usually in the plural: natēs)

oculus, -ī [2/m]: eye

ōs, ōris [3/n]: mouth

pēs, pedis [3/m]: foot

venter, ventris [3/n]: belly

Notes: ablative of description

The ablative of description is used when referring to a quality / characteristice or physical attribute which a person has; English would normally use ‘with’

[i] ablative singular examples

puer ¦ capite elephantinō │ a boy ¦ with an elephant’s head

īnfāns ¦ apertō ventre │ an infant ¦ with an open belly

īnfāns cornūtus ¦ ōre patulō │ a horned infant ¦ with a gaping mouth

agnus ¦ ōre trigeminō │ a lamb ¦ with a three-fold mouth

effigiēs, -ēī [5/f]: likeness > mōnstrum marīnum ¦ effigiē [ablative] monachī │ a sea monster ¦ with the likeness of a monk

habitus, -ūs [4/m]: (here) dress; attire > vir marīnus ¦ epīscopī habitū │ a marine man in the attire of a bishop

[ii] ablative plural examples

vitulus biceps ¦ quat(t)uor oculīs │a two-headed calf ¦ with four eyes

pūsiō ¦ digitīs diminūtīs │ a lad ¦ with diminished (reduced) fingers

vitulus bicorpor ¦ capitibus canīnīs│ a calf having two bodies ¦ with dogs’ heads

foetus ¦ quaternīs brācchiīs et pedibus │a foetus ¦ with four forearms and feet

homō ¦ pedibus āversīs │a man ¦ with (his) feet turned around

Check your vocabulary by looking at the nouns in the wordcloud

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