Tuesday, February 18, 2025

11.05.25: Level 2; review; prīmus annus [2]; praepositiōnēs: cāsus ablātīvus (2)

In Britanniā sunt multī lūdī et campī; in lūdō multī puerī labōrant, lūdunt in campō; innumerī igitur discipulī in tōtā Britanniā sunt. In lūdis sunt multae camerae, in camerīs multae sellae, in sellīs discipulī sedent. In camerā etiam sunt quattuor mūrī; in prīmō mūrō est iānua, in alterō fenestrae, in tertiō tabula nigra, in quārtō pīctūrae.

Magister ē sellā surgit, crētam ā mensā sūmit, trēs sententiās in tabulā scrībit, prīmam in summā tabulā, alteram in mediā, tertiam in īmā. Multae lītterae in sententiā sunt, permultae in pāginā, in tōtō librō innumerae. Nunc magister chartam Eurōpae mōnstrat. In summā chartā est Britannia, ubi Britannī habitant; in mediā est Helvētia, in īmā Sicilia. Graecia est ā dextrā, ā sinistrā Hispānia. Graecī in Graeciā habitant, in Hispāniā Hispānī. In mediā aquā multās īnsulās vidētis.

Nunc magister in mediā camerā stat et ad sellās sē vertit. Fenestrae sunt ā dextrā, iānua ā sinistrā, sellae ā fronte, tabula ā tergō. Ad iānuam sē vertit: ubi sunt fenestrae, iānua, sellae, tabula?

[1] Respondē:

  1. Ubi labōrās?
  2. Ubi lūdis?
  3. Ubi sunt camerae?
  4. Ubi sunt sellae?
  5. Ubi sedētis?
  6. Ubi magister sedet?
  7. Ubi pīctūrās vidēs?
  8. Ubi pēnsum scrībis?
  9. Ubi magister prīmam sententiam scrībit? alteram? tertiam?
  10. Ubi sunt pāginae?
  11. Magister sē ad fenestrās vertit: ubi sunt fenestrae, iānua, sellae, tabula? Ubi magister stat?
  12. Ubi sunt Britannia, Hispānia, Gallia, Germānia, Āfrica, Graecia?
  13. Ubi sunt īnsulae?
  14. Ubi habitant Ītalī, Helvētiī, Germānī, Gallī?

[2] ablative case; find the Latin:


  1. in Britain
  2. in Greece
  3. in Spain
  4. in a sentence
  5. in the room
  6. in rooms
  7. in schools


  1. The teacher writes three sentences on the blackboard; Note: some languages may interpret this as movement i.e. the sentences are being written onto the board, but Latin uses the ablative case to indicate the location where that action is taking place; a further example: Librōs in mēnsā posuit.│ He placed the books on the table. (Compare German: auf den Tisch [accusative] and Russian: na stol [accusative] but Latin does not use the accusative here.)
  2. on the page
  3. on chairs


  1. on the right
  2. on the left
  3. at the front
  4. at the back


  1. on the first wall
  2. on the second (wall)
  3. on the third (wall)
  4. on the fourth (wall)


  1. at the top of the map / blackboard
  2. at the bottom (of the map / blackboard)
  3. in the middle (of the map / blackboard)
  4. in the middle (of the water / room)
  5. in the whole book
  6. in all / the whole of Britain

*note that, in English, we use nouns to express these ideas e.g. at the top ¦ of the map; Latin uses adjectives which then agree in gender, number and case with the noun

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