Sunday, February 9, 2025

20.04.25: Level 1; readings [6] - [11]: review (7); adjectives [ii]; 1st / 2nd declension adjectives [i]

[i] Latin adjectives agree with the noun in gender (masculine / feminine / neuter), number (singular / plural) and case (nominative, genitive etc.)

[ii] Latin adjectives are in two groups; here, we deal with the first group: 1st / 2nd declension adjectives, so-called because they happen to have the same endings are first and second declension nouns:

[iii]  Feminine adjectives in -a are declined like feminine nouns in -a, and you should learn to decline them together as follows [image]


Italia, -ae, f., Italy

Sicilia, -ae, f., Sicily

tuba, -ae, f., trumpet (tube)

via, -ae, f., way, road, street (viaduct)


altahigh, deep (altitude)

clāraclear, bright; famous

lātawide (latitude)

longalong (longitude)

novanew (novelty)


  1. Longae nōn sunt tuae viae.
  2. Suntne tubae novae in meā casā? Nōn sunt.
  3. Quis lātā in silvā habitat? Diāna, lūnae clārae pulchra dea, lātā in silvā habitat.
  4. Nautae altās et lātās amant aquās.
  5. Quid ancilla tua portat? Ancilla mea tubam novam portat.
  6. Ubi sunt Lesbia et Iūlia? In tuā casā est Lesbia et Iūlia est in meā.
  7. Estne Italia lāta terra? Longa est Italia, nōn lāta.
  8. Cui Galba agricola fābulam novam nārrat? Fīliābus dominae clārae fābulam novam nārrat.
  9. Clāra est īnsula Sicilia.
  10. Quem laudat Lātōna? Lātōna laudat fīliam.


  1. Your ways / streets / roads are not long.
  2. Are the new trumpets in my cottage? They’re not.
  3. Who lives in the wide forest? Diana, the beautiful goddess of the clear moon, lives in the wide forest.
  4. The sailors love deep and wide waters.
  5. What does your maidservant carry? My maidservant carries a new trumpet.
  6. Where are lesbia and Julia? Lesbia is in your cottage, and Julia is in mine.
  7. Is Italy a wide land? Italy is long, not wide.
  8. To whom does Galba, the farmer, tell the new story? He tells the new story to the daughters of the famous lady.
  9. The island of Sicily is famous.
  10. Whom does Latona praise? Latona praises her daughter.

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