Sunday, February 9, 2025

19.04.25: Level 3; Verbs with the dative case [3]: special verbs [2]

Complete the translations using the verbs from the previous post; note the endings of the dative case

  1. Caesar inimīcīs pepercit │ Caesar __________ (his) enemies
  2. Cīvēs sacerdōtibus fīdunt │ the citizens __________ the priests (priestesses)
  3. Cursōrēs glaciēī diffīdēbant │ the runners __________ the ice
  4. Dōnum frātrī placuit │ the gift __________ (his / her) brother
  5. Fēlēs canibus diffīdunt │cats __________ dogs
  6. Imperātor nūntiō crēdidit │ the commander __________ the messenger
  7. Īrāscor tibi │I __________ you
  8. Iūdex sīcāriō nōn ignōscet │ the judge __________ the murderer / assassin
  9. Magister puellīs fāvit │ the teacher __________ the girls
  10. Mandāta mīlitibus nōn placent │ the orders __________ the soldiers
  11. Mātrī favet │ he __________ (his) mother
  12. Mīlitibus nōn serviēmus │ we __________ soldiers
  13. Mōlēs undīs resistet │the dam __________ the waves
  14. Multa nōbīs displicēbant │ many things __________ us
  15. Ōrātōrī senātōrēs nōn crēdidērunt │ the senators __________ the speaker
  16. Pauperēs dīvitibus nōn invident│ the poor do not __________ the rich
  17. Portia Brūtō nūpsit │ Portia __________ Brutus
  18. Praestigiātōrēs hospitibus placuērunt │ the conjurors __________ the guests
  19. Rēginae fīdēbās │ you __________ the queen
  20. Rōmānīs barbarī diū resistēbant │ for a long time the barbarians __________ the Romans
  21. Servī dominō parent │ the slaves __________ the master
  22. Sociīs nōn persuāsistis │ you __________ the allies
  23. Sulla inimīcīs nocuit │ Sulla __________ (his) enemies
  24. Vēnātōrēs vestīgiīs cervī studēbant. │ the hunters __________ the stag’s footprints
  25. Victōribus invideō │ I __________ the victors
  26. Vulpēs pullīs nōn nocēbunt │ the foxes __________ the chickens

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