Thursday, August 15, 2024

19.09.24: Level 1; review; practice in the cases [7]; reading lectiō 32 / interrogātiō 33


Rōmānī Crassō magnam prōvinciam dant. Rōmānī Crassō multōs equōs dant. Rōmānī Crassō magnam cōpiam frūmentī dant. Magnum numerum iūmentōrum Crassō dant. Multa pīla et multōs gladiōs Crassō dant. Magna tormenta Crassō dant. Nam Parthī bellum Rōmānīs parant. Magnum proelium Crassō parant. Parthī bonōs equōs habent. Parthī bonās sagittās sagittāriīs dant. Multās cōpiās habent Rōmānī. Multās habent Parthī. Sed Mārs victōriam Parthīs dat. Parthī Rōmānōs superant. Parthī Rōmānōs fugant. Multī Rōmānī sunt mortuī. Mortuus est Crassus. Dāvus Rōmānīs Parthōrum victōriam nūntiat.

Sentence building: Find the Latin, fill in the bracketed spaces by identifying the cases in bold – both singular and plural - being used.

[1] The Romans [nominative __________ ] give …

[2] The Romans give a large province [ __________ singular] …

[3] The Romans give a large province to Crassus [ __________ __________ ].

[4] The Romans give │ many horses [ __________ plural ] │ to Crassus.

[5] The Romans have │many troops [ __________ __________ ].

[6] Many Romans [ __________ __________ ] │ are dead.

[7] They give │large siege machines [ __________ __________ ] │to Crassus.

[8] The Romans give │a large amount │of grain [ __________ __________ ] │ to Crassus.

[9] They are preparing │a great battle [ __________ __________ ] │for Crassus.

[10] They give │a large number [ __________ __________ ] │ of beasts of burden [ __________ __________ ]  │ to Crassus.

[11] The Parthians [ __________ __________ ] │give good arrows [ __________ __________ ] │to the archers [ __________ __________ ].

[12] Davus [ __________ __________ ] │ announces the victory │of the Parthians [ __________ __________ ] │to the Romans [ __________ __________ ].

§33: interrogātiō

Cui? │ to / for whom (singular)

Quibus? │ to / for whom (plural)

  1. Cui Rōmānī prōvinciam dant?
  2. Cui equōs dant?
  3. Cui frūmentum dant ?
  4. Cui iūmenta dant?
  5. Cui tēla dant?
  6. Quibus Rōmānī bellum parant?
  7. Cui proelium parant?
  8. Quibus Parthī sagittās dant?
  9. Quibus Mārs victōriam nūntiat?

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