Thursday, August 15, 2024

19.09.24: Level 1; Maxey [14](1); text + questions

Lines 1 - 6

Haec casa est domus fēminae benignae. Casa est casa alba. Post casam est hortus. Prope hortum est silva. In hortō sunt multī et pulchrī flōrēs. Sunt rosae rubrae et līlia purpurea quoque. Alta sunt līlia et pulchrae sunt rosae. Sunt aliī flōrēs quoque in hortō. Grātī fēminae benignae sunt flōrēs. Fēmina hortum nōn cūrat. Vir quī in aliā casā habitat [Line 5] hortum cūrat. Aestāte hortum cūrat; hieme nōn cūrat quod hieme sunt nūllī flōrēs in hortō. Bene vir labōrat. Cārus virō est hortus.

Complete the translation with the missing words:

This cottage is the house of a __________ woman. The cottage is a __________ cottage. __________  the cottage is a garden. __________ the garden is a forest. In the garden are __________ __________ flowers. There are __________ roses and also __________ lilies. The lilies are __________ and the roses are __________. There are also __________ flowers in the garden. The flowers are __________ to the __________ woman. The woman does not take care of the garden. A man __________ lives in __________ cottage looks after the garden. In __________ he looks after the garden; in __________ he doesn’t take care of the garden __________ in __________ there are __________ flowers in the garden. The man works __________. The garden is __________ to the man.

Lines 7 - 14

Hodiē vir nōn est in hortō. Herī hīc erat. Hodiē hīc nōn est. Est aestās et in hortō est quiēs. Fēmina quiētem amat. Mox fēmina puerum lacrimantem audit. Ad iānuam it. Nūllus puer est in viā. Mox puerum quī in hortō labōrat videt. Est fīlius virī quī hortum [Line 10] cūrat. Hodiē puer hortum cūrat et lacrimat. Puer nōn est in perīculō; nōn timet. Cūr lacrimat? Fēmina puerum ad sē vocat. Fēmina hoc dīcit: “Cūr lacrimās, puer?” Tum puer respondet: “Pater meus ad oppidum it et ego labōrō. Ego quoque ad oppidum īre cupiō. Duōs equōs habet et ego equōs amō. In stabulō frūmentum equīs dō. Aquam quoque dō. Ūnum equum semper cūrō. Ego quoque cum patre et equīs īre cupio.”

[i] Lines 7 – 9: In what order are the following first mentioned?

(peace and) quiet; a single word conveys this meaning

a boy working in a garden

going to a door

hearing a boy crying

liking the peace and quiet

seeing nobody in the street


the man’s son



[ii]  Lines 10 – 14: The following statements are false; correct them.

[1] The boy is in danger but he’s not afraid.

[2] The boy calls the woman to him.

[3] His father lives in town.

[4] The boy wants to stay in the garden.

[5] His father gives food to the horses in the field.

[6] The boy only gives the horses water.

[7] The boy takes care of both horses.

[8] His father wants to go with the horses.

Lines 15 - 19

[Line 15] Fēmina quae est fēmina benigna est maesta. Miserum puerum! Fēmina et puer cēnam edunt. Tum fēmina flōrēs ex hortō capit et ad oppidum it. Cum feminā it puer parvus quī nunc nōn lacrimat. Mox virum quī hortum cūrat fēmina videt et dē puerō parvō quī nōn est puer malus nārrat. Fēmina et vir et puer colloquium habent. Multās hōrās ibi manent. Vesperī domum eunt.

Make ten sentences using three parts to match the Latin in the text. Some words are used more than once.


  • For many hours they stay there.
  • In the evening they go home.
  • Soon the woman sees the man.
  • The little boy goes with the woman.
  • The woman is sad.
  • The woman talks about the boy.
  • The woman takes flowers.
  • The woman goes to town.
  • The woman and the boy eat dinner.
  • The woman and the man and the boy have a conversation.

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