Saturday, October 5, 2024

14.12.24: Level 1; Maxey [19] (2)

Magistra: Cūr pecūniam accipit?


[i] Vir erat mīles et cum sociīs et fīnitimīs prō patriā pugnābat. Prō patriā parātus erat morīrī sī necesse erat. Cōpiae hostium erant magnae sed cōpiae nostrae nōn satis magnae erant. Dux mīlitēs monēbat sed fortēs erant et fortiter pugnābant. Multī vulnerābantur; multī necābantur.

In which order are the following referred to?

advice from the commander

fighting bravely

forces not large enough

fought with allies and neighbours

large enemy forces

many injuries

many killed

ready to die for his country


Vir erat mīles et [1] cum sociīs et fīnitimīs prō patriā pugnābat. [2] Prō patriā parātus erat morīrī sī necesse erat. [3] Cōpiae hostium erant magnae sed [4] cōpiae nostrae nōn satis magnae erant. [5] Dux mīlitēs monēbat sed fortēs erant et fortiter [6] pugnābant. [7] Multī vulnerābantur; [8] multī necābantur.

[ii] Posterō diē aliī mīlitēs illum mīlitem vident, sed numquam posteā ille videt. Hodiē est caecus! "Putābam mē tūtum," inquit. "Eram paene tūtus. Tum tēlum veniēbat et hīc sum." Nunc ab illō mīlite ex aedificiō magnō pecūnia accipitur.

  1. When do the other soldiers see him?
  2. Why does the soldier not see them?
  3. What did he first think? [2]
  4. What happened to him?


Nunc ¦ ab illō mīlite ¦ … pecūnia accipitur. │Now money is received ¦ by that soldier

A passive sentence – note the tell-tale -ur attached to the verb. An action is done to the subject i.e. the money is received, and the person by whom that action is done is expressed in Latin with the preposition ā / ab + the ablative case.

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