Exercise [1]*
[a] translate the verbs into English
[b] take a second look and list them according to whether
they are first or second conjugation
[c] underline or circle the personal endings of the Latin verbs
- vocāmus; properātis; iubent
- movētis; laudās; vidēs
- dēlētis; habētis; dant
- mātūrās; dēsīderat; vidēmus
- iubet; movent; necat
- nārrāmus; movēs; vident
- labōrātis; properant; portās; parant
- dēlet; habētis; iubēmus; dās
- habitō; videō; sedeō; nūntiō
Exercise [2]**
Translate into Latin
- we plough; we are ploughing; / we do plough
- they care for; they are caring for / they do care for
- you (singular) give; you (singular) are having / you (singular) do have
- we destroy; I do long for; they are living
- he calls; they see; we are telling
- we do fight; we order; (s)he / it is moving; (s)he / it prepares
- they are working; we kill; you (singular and plural) announce
- vocāmus; we call (we are calling / we do call); 1st conj. │ properātis; you (plural) hasten / hurry; 1st conj. │iubent; they order / command’; 2nd conj.
- movētis; you (plural) move; 2nd conj. │ laudās: you (singular) praise; 1st conj. │ vidēs: you (singular) see; 2nd conj.
- dēlētis: you (plural) destroy; 2nd conj. │ habētis: you (plural) have; 2nd conj. │ dant: they give; 1st conj.
- mātūrās: you (singular) hasten / hurry; 1st conj. │ dēsīderat: he / she / it desires / longs for; 1st conj. │ vidēmus: we see; 2nd conj.
- iubet: he / she commands; 2nd conj. │ movent: they move; 2nd conj. │ necat: he / she / it kills; 1st conj.
- nārrāmus: we tell; 1st conj. │ movēs: you (singular) move; 2nd conj. │ vident: they see; 2nd conj.
- labōrātis: you (plural) work; 1st conj. │ properant: they hasten / hurry; 1st conj. │ portās: you (singular) carry; 1st conj. │ parant: they prepare; 1st conj.
- dēlet: he / she / it destroys; 2nd conj. │ habētis: you (plural) have; 2nd conj. │ iubēmus: we command; 2nd conj. │ dās: you (singular) give; 1st conj.
- habitō: I live (I am living; I do live); 1st conj. │ videō: I see; 2nd conj. │ sedeō: I sit; 2nd conj. │ nūntiō: I announce; 1st conj.
- arāmus; one verb form conveys all three meanings in English
- cūrant; one verb form conveys all three meanings in English
- dās; habēs
- dēlēmus; dēsīderō; habitant
- vocat; vident; nārrāmus
- pugnāmus; iubēmus; movet; parat
- labōrant; necāmus; nūntiās / nūntiātis
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