Sunday, February 16, 2025

28.04.25: Level 3; Verbs with the dative case [6]: examples from the authors [2]

[1] ante¦eō, -īre, -īvī: [i] go before; walk on ahead; [ii] surpass; excel

virtūs omnibusbus anteit (Plautus) │ virtue surpasses all things

[2] ante¦pōnō, -ponere, -pōsuī [3] [i] put / place in front [ii] prefer [something: accusative; to someone / something [dative]  

antepōne [ī] virtūtem [accusative] ¦ [iī] dīvitiīs [dative] │ literally: put [i] virtue ¦ [ii] before riches = prefer virtue ¦ to riches

[i] memoriam [accusative] amīcitiae ¦ [ii] reliquīs virtūtibus omnibus [dative] ¦ antepōnō (Cicero). │ I prefer [i] … his recollection of friendship, ¦ [ii] to all the rest of his virtues.

[3] im¦pendeō, -ēre [2]: hang over; hover over; threaten

Mōns autem altissimus impendēbat (Caesar) │ the tallest mountain was hanging over

Omnibus ūna impendet clādēs (Petronius) │ the same doom hangs over us all

Illam amābam ōlim, nunc iam alia cūra impendet pectorī (Plautus) │ Formerly I did love her; but now another passion influences my heart.

[4] indulgeō, -ēre, indulsī [2]: be addicted (to); indulge (in)

Melius dē nōbīs merentur acerbī inimīcī, quam iī amīcī quī peccātīs indulgent (Cicero) │ Bitter enemies deserve better of us than those friends who indulge in sins

[5] ob¦stō, -stāre, -stitī [1]: stand in the way of; obstruct; hinder; thwart

Vidēlicet cētera vīta eōrum huic scelerī obstat.  (Sallust) │ It is clear that the other life of these men stands in the way of this wickedness.

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