Saturday, April 13, 2024

17.03.24: practice in the 4th conjugation

Some simple exercises to practise the 4th conjugation; all the verbs were given in previous posts


First of all, [i] translate the verbs and then [ii] change the Latin verbs into the equivalent plural forms and give a translation, for example:

  • audiō [i] I hear > [ii] audīmus: we hear
  1. ēsūrīs
  2. feriō
  3. fīnīmus
  4. impedītis
  5. nescit
  6. oboedit
  7. saeviunt
  8. saliō
  9. scīs
  10. sentīmus
  11. sepelītis
  12. sitiunt

[2] Look at the images posted and put the verbs into their appropriate forms.

[3] Translate

  1. Captīvōs cūstōdītis.
  2. Castra mūnīmus.
  3. Illam fēminam nōn audiō.
  4. Iānuam aperīs.
  5. Discipulae magistrum semper audiunt.
  6. Discipulum pigrum pūnīs.
  7. Iam duās hōrās dormit.
  8. Cūr in aquam salītis, puerī?
  9. Mortuum noctū sepeliunt.
  10. Nōmen magistrī meī nesciō.
  11. Nūntius Rōmānus in oppidum venit.
  12. Puerī in scholā numquam dormiunt.
  • captivus: captive; prisoner
  • mortuus, -a, -um: dead; mortuus (noun): dead man / person; corpse

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