Tuesday, May 7, 2024

07.05.24: theory and practice [2]: Julia, a Latin Reader [2]

Omnēs hōs annōs Mārs fīliōs suōs dīligenter cōnservābat, et tandem geminīs, iam adolēscentibus omnia mōnstrāvit. Tum frātrēs, propter mātris avīque iniūriās īrātī, "Sine dubiō," inquiunt, "Amūlius* hārum rērum poenās gravissimās dabit."

[All these years Mars carefully preserved his sons, and at last he showed everything to the twins, who were already young men. Then the brothers, angry because of the wrongs of their mother and grandfather, said, "Without a doubt, Amulius will pay the heaviest penalites for these things.”]

*In Roman mythology Amulius was the king of Alba Longa who ordered the death of the infant twins Romulus and Remus.

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