This quotation shows features that have been discussed before and is useful in the reviews that we're doing at the moment.
1. principium, -ī [2/n]:
2. rēs, reī [5/f]: matter;
thing, a word that was discussed a lot when looking at fifth declension nouns
3. omnis, -e: all; again, a
very important word that came up in earlier posts when looking at 3rd
declension adjectives
4. parvus, -a, -um: small; a
1st / 2nd declension adjective and agrees in gender, number and case with its
noun i.e. principia.
Omnium rērum │
prīncipia parva sunt. The beginnings │of all things │are
And the quotation makes the
point; there is no purpose in posting random quotations that contain concepts
which are too complex or haven’t been dealt with before. This one, however,
shows features that have all been done.
Another member has just said
that so much can be found in one sentence: I agree, but it has to be the right
sentence, and this one is absolutely right.
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