Tuesday, June 18, 2024

20.06.24: Level 1; vocabulary; parts of a Roman house [1]

1.      dining room

2.      bedroom

3.      kitchen

4.      narrow entrance

5.      outer door

6.      inner door

7.      study (room)

8.      part of the house set aside for a shrine to the household gods

9.      entrance: enclosed area between the entrance and the street

10. reception hall

11. wall (of a house or room as opposed to mūrus, which is unroofed e.g. a boundary or city wall)

12. open interior space surrounded by columns

13. rectangular basin or pool used for collecting rainwater which came from …

14. a rectangular space in the roof through which the rain fell

https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0062:id=domus-harpers (Part IV)





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