Tuesday, June 18, 2024

28.06.24: level 1; Ora Maritima [3](3); cloze (1)

book: https://www.facebook.com/groups/latinforstarters/permalink/445400638071210/

Find the Latin:


  1. You (sg.) walk
  2. He is retired
  3. He gives (attention to)
  4. We water (the garden)
  5. We carry water
  6. The roses …. give …
  7. My uncle was


  1. around
  2. at one time
  3. from where
  4. near
  5. now
  6. often
  7. when
  8. with

[6] Patruus meus quondam praefectus erat in Āfricā Merīdiānā. Nunc mīlitiā __________, et agellō suō operam __________. Agellus patruī meī nōn magnus est. Circum vīllam est hortus. Mūrus hortī nōn altus est. Rīvus est prope hortum, unde aquam __________, cum hortum __________. In hortō magnus est numerus rosārum et violārum. Rosae et violae tibi, mī patrue, magnam laetitiam __________. Tū, Lȳdia, cum patrō meō in hortō saepe __________.

ambulās; dant; dat; irrigāmus; portāmus; vacat

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