Tuesday, June 18, 2024

22.06.24: Level 2; Vincent and the Alligators [1]

Alligātōrēs apud Brazos Bend


Salvēte. │ Hello.

Vincentius loquor. │ I, Vincent, am talking = This is Vincentius speaking / talking.

Est diēs calidus. │ It’s a hot day.

Temperātūra est ferē trīgintā quattuor gradūs celsiī. │ The temperature is about 34⁰C.

Multī nōn crēdunt │ Many (people) don’t believe (it)

sed hoc mihi placet. │ but [literally] this pleases me = I like this.

Vērum est. │It’s true.

Ferē numquam queror │ I almost never complain

calōre aestātis │ about the heat of the summer.

quia mihi placet. │ because [literally] it is pleasing to me = I like it.

In hōc hortō pūblicō │In this park [lit: public garden]

*nōmine ‘Brazos Bend State Park’ │[literally] by the name of = called ‘Brazos Bend State Park’ [see next post]*

versantur multī alligātōrēs. │ there are many alligators.

Venīte mēcum │ Come with me

*ad eōs spectandōs. │ to look at them. [see next post]*

* eōs vidēbō │ If I see them,

vōbīs ostendam. │ I’ll show you. [see next post]*

Bene, iam nōn multum loquar. │Well, I’ll not talk much any more [lit: I will no longer talk a lot]

Volō enim multum ambulāre │ For I want to walk a lot

et fruī deambulātiōne. │ and enjoy the walk.

Vīdī nōnnūllōs alligātōrēs │I saw / I have seen some alligators

fortasse quīnque, sex aut septem  perhaps 5, 6 or 7

sed omnēs vidēlicet in aquā natant … nunc. │ but they’re all evidently swimming in the water … now.

Nūllī versantur in terrā. │ None are on the land.

Ergō sōlum vīdī partem capitis │ Therefore, I only saw part of the head

nōn tōtum corpus. │ not the whole body.

Grātiās vōbīs agō quod spectāvistis. │ Thank you because you have watched = Thank you for having watched.

Valēte, in proximum. │Goodbye, see you next time.

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