Thursday, August 1, 2024

07.09.24: adverbs [2](4); -ē; -ter (4)

Schools and universities, Scottish clans (families), towns, military battalions and pieces of advice often have Latin mottoes many of which use adverbs; below are some examples of adverbs in -ē and -iter:

[1] Nēmō mē impūnē* lacessit. │ No one provokes me with impunity │Motto of the Royal Stuart dynasty of Scotland and the national motto of Scotland

*although ending in -ē, the adverb comes from impūnis, -e (a 3rd declension adjective)

[2] sapienter sī sincērē │ wisely if sincerely │Motto of the Clan Davidson (my own clan)

[3] fortiter et rēctē │ boldy and rightly │ Clan Elliot

[4] audācter* et strēnuē │ boldy and actively │ Clan Pollock

*both audācter and audāciter exist

[5] fidēliter et dīligenter │ faithfully and diligently │ USAF 1st photographic group

[6] agendo gnāviter* │ by doing diligently │ 577th Engineer Battalion

*gnāvus, -a, -um is an alternative of nāvus, -a, -um: diligent

[7] īnsiste firmiter │ stand to it stoutly │ 77th Armor Unit

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