Tuesday, February 4, 2025

09.04.25: Level 2; grammar revision; verbs [3a]; third conjugation

 Match the English with the Latin verbs in the word cloud; an example of a third conjugation verb in full is given for reference

  1. he leads / is leading
  2. he was leading / used to lead
  3. he will lead
  4. he (has) led
  5. he had led
  6. he will have led
  7. he is being led
  8. he was being led
  9. he will be led
  10. he was / has been led
  11. he had been led
  12. he will have been led


dūcēbat; dūcet; dūcit; dūxit; ductus erat; ductus erit; ductus est; dūcēbātur; dūxerat; dūxerit; dūcētur; dūcitur

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