Sunday, May 19, 2024

19.05.24: review; spot the difference

Apply that same technique in the previous post with most of the verbs in this text

[i] Imperfect: look for -ba- / -bā-

[ii] Future: look -bō /-bi- / -bu-

[iii] Also in this text are the imperfect and future of sum, esse which came up in earlier posts and a few present tense verbs that are easy to spot.


Grāta erant Deae dōna populī, et Cerēs templum diū habitābat.

Intereā in ārīs aliōrum deōrum neque pōma neque ūvae neque rosae iacēbant. Nōn iam herba in prātīs, nōn iam pōma in agrīs flōrēbant, quod adhūc Cerēs propter fīliam flēbat, itaque Iuppiter Deae, "Plūtō," inquit, "fīliam tuam habet. Persephonē rēgīna Īnferōrum est. Sed Mercurius ad rēgnum Īnferōrum properābit, et puellam ad templum tuum celeriter apportābit."

Deinde Mercurius ad Īnferōs properābat. Persephonē cum virō suō in lectō sedēbat. Misera erat puella, quod adhūc Deam cāram dēsīderābat. Sed Mercurium vidēbat et laeta erat. "Iterum," inquit, "Deam cāram vidēbō, iterum Cerēs fīliam suam habēbit."

Tum Plūtō verbīs benignīs "Ō Persephonē,’ inquit ‘memoriae tuae grātus semper erit Plūtō; iterum rēgīna Īnferōrum eris. Nunc caeruleum est caelum, iūcunda sunt prāta, sed mox gelidum erit caelum, gelidī erunt et ventī et agrī. Tum iterum virum tuum et rēgnum Īnferōrum dēsīderābis. Valē, Ō cāra rēgīna.


[A] Vocabulary

dōnum, -ī [2/n]: gift

iaceō, iacēre [2]: lie

Īnferī, -ōrum [2/m/pl]: the gods of the underworld

itaque: and so

prātum, -ī [2/n]: meadow

propter + accusative: on account of

rēgnum, -ī [2/n]: kingdom

[B] Find the Latin

[i] Imperfect tense

1. Ceres lived for a long time …

2. Ceres was still weeping …

3. Then Mercury started to hurry [was hurrying] …

4. Persephone was sitting …

5. She could see (Mercury) [she was seeing…]

6. She still desired …

7. Fruits were no longer flourishing

8. Meanwhile … neither grapes nor roses were lying …


[ii] Imperfect tense of sum, esse:

9. The girl was miserable

10. The gifts were pleasing


[iii] Future tense:

1. I shall see

2. Then …you will desire your husband

3. Ceres will have …

4. Mercury will hurry … and will quickly bring


[iv] Future tense of sum, esse:

5. You will be queen again

6. Pluto will always be

7. Soon the weather will beice-cold

8. Both the winds and the fields will be frosty


[v] Present tense:

1. Pluto has your daughter

2. Persephone is the queen

3. Now the sky is blue

4. The meadows are pleasant


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