Sunday, May 5, 2024

24.04.24: East and West

oriēns, orientis [3/m]: east and occidēns, occidentis [3/m]: west are, in this context, not 3rd declension adjectives but nouns.

Look at the examples: their ablatives end in -e and, therefore, they are nouns.

Sōl in oriente oritur. │ The sun rises in the East.

Sōl in occidente occīdit. │ The sets in the West.

Ventus ab oriente spīrat. │ The wind is blowing from the East.

Ventus ab occidente flat. │ The wind is blowing from the West.

However, words that have these endings -(ē)ns, -(e)ntis involve further discussion which will come in a later post.

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