Sunday, May 5, 2024

27.04.24: NLE 2012 [3]

The first part of that 2012 NLE paper has more “general knowledge” questions that can relate to geography, history, mythology, derivatives or aspects of Roman life. I’ll post them here. Some of the mythology questions – especially when you go further up the NLE levels - can be quite tricky but, at this introductory stage, they’re usually straightforward. However, all the Latin in these questions has been discussed previously.

1. If your classmate asks you, “Quota hōra est?” he wants to know A) what time it is B) how you are doing C) how many friends you have D) what the weather is

2. Quis est deus Rōmānus in pictūrā? A) Jupiter B) Apollo C) Cupid D) Mars

3. How many hearts are in the picture? A) III B) IV C) V D) VI

4. The school board suggested innovative ways to improve the overcrowded conditions in the schools. A) interesting B) new C) expensive D) simple

5. Ancient Carthage is on the map in the area numbered A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

6. Hispānia is on the map in the area numbered A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8

7. Which deity might bring help to a beauty pageant contestant? A) Pluto B) Vesta C) Mars D) Venus

8. Her grandmother's vitality was lessened by illness. A) energy for living B) ability to see C) interest in politics D) love of friends

9. Marcus was elected chairman of the board in absentia. A) although youthful B) although inexperienced C) although not present D) although not interested in the position

10. A Roman senator would most likely wear a ____ when out in public. A) stola B) toga C) bulla D) palla

11. A cubiculumculīna, and trīclīnium were found A) in aquā B) in caelō C) in templō D) in vīllā

12. The Latin abbreviation P.M. (post merīdiem) means A) dawn B) morning C) noon D) afternoon

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