Etrūscī ōlim terrā marīque magnam potentiam habuerant: tum ā Graecīs nāvēs dēlētae, ā Samnītibus agrī vastātī erant: posteā simul ā Gallīs et ā Rōmānīs bellō vexābantur. Urbs Veiī diū ā Rōmānīs obsīdēbātur: prīmō Etrūscī nōn sōlum urbem dēfendēbant sed etiam ingentem timōrem inter Rōmānōs mōvērunt. Itaque M. Fūrius Camillus dictātor creātus est: Camillī cōnsiliō mīlitēs cunīculum sub terrā ad arcem urbis ēgerunt. Intereā rēx Veientium dīs immortālibus immolābat. ‘Sī dīs, Ō rēx,’ inquit sacerdōs, ‘ hostiam immolābis, dī victōriam in bellō dabunt.’ Sacerdōtis verba Rōmānī audīvērunt: aliquot mīlitēs ē cunīculō veniunt, hostiam ad dictātōrem portant: Camillus dīs immolāvit. Simul ex omnī parte urbis mūrī ā Rōmānīs oppugnābantur: aliī arcem per cunīculum intrāvērunt.
propter victōriam triumphum ēgit: posteā tamen, quod plēbēiōrum īram mōverat,
falsō crīmine ā tribūnīs accūsātus est. ‘Nōn mē iūdicēs damnābunt,’ inquit;
‘ultrō in exsilium discēdam; sī innocēns accūsor, cīvitās ingrāta mox
arcis [3/f]: citadel
-ī [2/m]: (underground) tunnel; mine
-āre, -āvī, -ātus [1]: (here) miss; feel the need of
-ae [1/f]: sacrifice
(here) of one’s accord; voluntarily
-ōrum [1/m/pl]: Veii, an Etruscan city
Lines 1 – 2 (Etrūscī … vexābantur )
- Which Latin phrase tells you that the Etruscans’ power and influence was wide-ranging? (1)
- Which four nations caused the Etruscans to lose power? (4)
Lines 3 – 4 (Urbs … movērunt)
- How do we know that the capture of the city of Veii was not achieved quickly? (4)
- What did Camillus advise the soldiers to do? (3)
Lines 5 – 7 (Intereā … dabunt)
was the king of Veii doing? Who advised him to do this and why? (4)
Lines 7 – 8 (Sacerdōtis … immolāvit)
four of the following statements are true? (4)
- A sacrifice was brought to Camillus.
- An enemy was taken to the dictator.
- Camillus made a sacrifice.
- The gods sacrificed Camillus.
- The priests heard the Romans.
- The Romans came out of the tunnel.
- The Romans heard the priests.
- The Romans went into the tunnel.
Lines 9 – 10 (Simul … intrāvērunt)
details about the attack (6); [i] Simul ¦ [ii] ex omnī parte ¦ [iii] urbis
mūrī [iv] ā Rōmānīs oppugnābantur: ¦ [v] aliī arcem ¦ [vi] per cunīculum
Lines 11 – end (Camillus … dēsīderābit)
- What did Camillus do after the city had been captured? (1)
- How did Camillus’ fortunes change afterwards? (2)
- True or false: Camillus was sent into exile by the judges (1)
- sī innocēns accūsor, cīvitās ingrāta mox dēsīderābit: What did Camillus think would soon happen? (2)
Find the Latin for the passive verbs
- I am accused
- (He) was falsely accused
- (He) was elected / made
- (the city) was being besieged
- (They) were being attacked
- (They) were being harassed / troubled
- The ships had been destroyed … the fields (had been) laid waste
Identify the tense of the following verbs from the text
- dabunt
- dēfendēbant
- discēdam
- ēgit
- habuerant
- immolābat
- mōverat
- mōvērunt
- portant
- veniunt
Why might the city of Veii have been a target for Roman attack? Consider, for
example, geographical location, resources, trade, military strategy and
expansionism because motives such as these are by no means confined to the
attack on Veii.
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