Wednesday, October 30, 2024

30.01.25: Level 1; oral proficiency in Latin [3](3)

Complete the Latin questions with the appropriate question word listed below.

  1. How do the two gladiators fight? │ __________ duo gladiātōrēs pugnant?
  2. To where have the Romans taken him? [= where have the Romans taken him to] │ __________ Rōmānī eum dūxērunt?
  3. What does Spartacus want? │ __________ Spartacus vult?
  4. Where is Spartacus fighting? │ __________ Spartacus pugnat?
  5. Who (plural) were the winners? │ __________ victōrēs erant?
  6. Who (singular) is the winner? │ __________ est victor?
  7. Whom does Spartacus see in the arena? │ __________ Spartacus in arēnā videt?
  8. Why is Spartacus now very miserable? │ __________ nunc Spartacus miserrimus est?
  9. With whom were the Romans fighting [= who were the Romans fighting with] │ __________ Rōmānī pugnābant?

cūr; quem; quī; quid; quis; quō; quōcum; quōmodo; ubi

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