Wednesday, October 30, 2024

29.01.25: H & B; level 2; reading; a schoolmaster’s treachery

Rōmānī, ubi cum Etrūscīs bellum gerēbant, urbem in Etrūriā Faleriōs obsēdērunt. Faliscōrum fīliōs omnēs ūnus magister docēbat, vir sapiēns sed improbus. Cotīdiē puerōs lūdī causā ex urbe dūcēbat, tandem ad castra Rōmāna dūxit. Tum ad Camillum, imperātōrem Rōmānum, vēnit: ‘Urbem,’ inquit, ‘Rōmānīs trādō, nam prīncipum fīliōs trādō: sī puerōs obsidēs habēbitis, Faliscī statim urbem trādent.’ Respondit Camillus, ‘Nōn ita bellum gerimus Rōmānī, nec contrā puerōs arma sūmpsimus: sunt et bellī, sīcut pācis, iūra.’ Tum magistrum nūdāvit et puerīs trādidit : puerī prōditōrem verberāvērunt et in urbem ēgērunt.’ Mōvit animōs Faliscōrum Camillī līberālitās: lēgātōs statim ad castra Rōmāna, inde ad Curiam mīsērunt. ‘Beneficiō,’ clāmāvērunt, ‘sī nōn armīs, nōs superāvistis: ultrō urbem trādimus: populī tam iūstī imperiō libenter pārēbimus.’

līberālitās, -tātis [3/f]: the virtue of giving freely; generosity; a noble disposition

obses, obsidis [3 m/f]: hostage


[1] Lines 1 - 3 (Rōmānī … dūxit)

  1. Who were the Romans fighting? (1)
  2. What was happening to the city of Falerii? (1)
  3. Who taught all the sons of the Faliscans and what sort of man was he? (3)
  4. What did the man [i] normally do and [ii] finally do when he was with the pupils? (3)

[2] Lines 3 – 5 (Tum … trādent)

Who was Camillus and what ‘deal’ did the teacher try to strike with him? (5); Tum ad Camillum, ¦ [i] imperātōrem Rōmānum, ¦ vēnit: [ii] ‘Urbem,’ inquit, ‘Rōmānīs trādō, ¦ [iii] nam prīncipum fīliōs trādō: ¦ [iv] sī puerōs obsidēs habēbitis, ¦ [v] Faliscī statim urbem trādent.’

[3] Lines 5 -7

Translate:  Respondit Camillus, ‘Nōn ita bellum gerimus Rōmānī, nec contrā puerōs arma sūmpsimus: sunt et bellī, sīcut pācis, iūra.’ (7)*

[4] Lines 7 – 8 (Tum … ēgērunt)

How was the schoolteacher punished? (4)

[5] Lines 8 – 9 (Mōvit … mīsērunt)

How did the Faliscans react when they saw what had happened? (5); [i] Mōvit animōs Faliscōrum ¦ [ii] Camillī līberālitās: ¦ [iii] lēgātōs statim ¦ [iv] ad castra Rōmāna, ¦ [v] inde ad Curiam mīsērunt.

[6] Lines 9 – end (Beneficiō … pārēbimus)

All the following statements are incorrect; give the correct account

The Faliscans …

… surrendered after further fighting.

… had been defeated by weapons.

… thought that the Romans were unjust.

… refused to obey the Romans.

[B] Give the first person singular present tense of the following verbs from the text:

  • obsēdērunt [line 1]
  • dūxit [line 3]
  • sūmpsimus [line 6]
  • ēgērunt [line 8]
  • mōvit [line 8]
  • mīsērunt [line 9]

[C] Identify the case of each noun in bold and explain why that case is being used in context:

  • Faliscōrum fīliōs omnēs ūnus magister docēbat [line 2]
  • puerōs lūdī causā ex urbe dūcēbat [line 3]
  • ad Camillum, imperātōrem Rōmānum, vēnit [lines 3 – 4]
  • Urbem,’ inquit, ‘Rōmānīs trādō [line 4]
  • puerī prōditōrem … in urbem ēgērunt. [lines 7 – 8]
  • Beneficiō … nōs superāvistis [lines 9 – 10]
  • populī tam iūstī imperiō libenter pārēbimus [line 10]

Camillus and the Schoolmaster of Falerii, attributed to Domenico Corvi (c. 1721–1803)

Useful information here:


*[i] Camillus replied: ¦ [ii] “We Romans do not wage war ¦ [iii] in that way, ¦ [iv] nor have we taken up arms ¦ [v] against boys: [vi] there are also / even laws of war [vii] just like (there are of) peace.”

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