Wednesday, October 30, 2024

27.01.25: level 2; Crime and punishment [8]; people, things and places

poenās dō, dāre [1]: pay the penalty

supplicium, -ī [2/n]: punishment

captīvus, -ī [2/m]: prisoner; captive

custōs, custōdis [3/m]: guard

carcer, -is [3/m]: prison; image: Mamertine prison in Rome

carnifex, carnificis [3/m]: [i] butcher [ii] executioner

secūris, -is [3/f]: axe

vinculum, -ī [2/n]: chain; anything by which somebody can be bound

numella, -ae [1/f]: in Ancient Rome, a type of shackle for slaves or cattle; here it is referring to a pillory

crux, crucis [3/f]: a wooden frame on which criminals were crucified, often a cross; can also refer to torture

pālus, -ī [2/m] post; stake

patibulum, -ī [2/n]: gallows

rogus, -ī [2/m]: funeral pyre

rota, -ae [1/f]: wheel

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