Thursday, February 6, 2025

07.02.25: follow-up and introduction: Speaking Latin on Campus

Referring to:


When this group began, its original name was Latin for Starters, but soon after it changed its name to Latin for Learners because it was clear that the members had different levels of knowledge. This is the reason why most of the posts are labelled Level 1 and Level 2; a Level 3 will be introduced soon.

Vincent’s video is a very good example of how one passage of Latin can operate at different levels and so there will be a series of posts relating to it to try to cater for different members who are at different stages of the language:

[1] transcript / translation (including literal translation) i.e. you can simply follow the Latin and the translation without thinking too much about the way in which Latin expresses certain ideas

[2] focus on listening / comprehension with questions on the content

[3] vocabulary; identifying key words that occur again and again in Latin


Want to go further?

[4] – [7] These posts are not for beginners; they introduce more advanced concepts in the language. Everything in [4] – [7] gives introductions to the ideas and will be looked at again when Level 3 is introduced. Therefore, they are not essential at this stage but, as I mentioned earlier, there are members who are already at this point in their study of Latin and so they may want to explore the language in greater depth.

I have also included links to Latin Tutorial videos and files that will give more information.

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