Post #1: video / transcript / translation (literal and reworked); points to be covered later are indicated in bold and italics.
Estisne discipulī rērum classicārum? Ego quoque (sum). Salvēte sodālēs. Vincentius
loquor. Hodiē velim ostendere vōbīs ūnversitātem ubi nunc studeō
litterīs classicīs: Universitās Dāllāsēnsis.
you students of Classics? Me, too [literally: I also (am) / I am, too]. Hello,
friends. It’s me, Vincent, speaking [literally: I, Vincent, am speaking].
Today I would like to show you the university where I’m now studying
Classics: the University of Dallas.
Ecce turris*. Nesciō utrum sit in mediō campī; fortasse nōn quia
hinc possum vidēre viam. Novus discipulus sum; ergō nōndum vīdī neque intrāvī
in omnia aedificia. Sed hodiē tempus mihi est. Volō deambulāre hīc ut
omnia videam.
-is [3/f]: tower; this 3rd declension noun has two alternative
accusatives: turrem and turrim
a tower. I don’t know whether it’s in the middle of the campus; perhaps
not because I can see a road from here. I’m a new student; therefore, I have
not yet seen nor gone into all the buildings. But today I have time. I want to
take a walk here to see everything [literally: (in order / so) that
I may see].
[background dialogue: Anglicē, id est, barbaricē loquimur; ignoscite]
Sciō aliquō locō esse sēminārium, sed nōn habeō tabulam geōgraphicam.
Ergō nesciō ubi sit. Ut credō ibi invenītur;
veritās - virtūs – sapientia.
speak in English, that is / i.e. in Babarian. Forgive (us).] I know ¦ that
there is a seminary in some place [literally: I know ¦ a seminary to be
in some place], but I don’t have a map. Therefore, I don’t know where it is
[literally: where it may / might be]. I think [literally: as I
believe], it can be found there / you can find it there [literally: it is
found there]; truth – virtue – wisdom.
Frequentō tantum hoc aedificium quod appellātur ‘Anselm’ (ex nōmine
Sānctī Anselmī Cantuariēnsis) in quō sunt conclāvia mea.
only ‘frequent’ i.e. regularly visit / go to this building which is called
‘Anselm’ (from the name of Saint Anselm of Canterbury) where [literally: in
which] my classrooms are.
Nunc bibliothēcam petō. Cuius est hic lectus suspensus*? Tempus est prandium sūmere.
Grātiās vōbīs agō quod spectāvistis. Cūrāte ut valeātis;
in proximum.
-ī suspensus: (New Latin) hammock; also lectulus (literally: a little
bed) suspensus; the Neo-Latin Lexicon gives nine possibilities for
think one is enough.
I’m heading to / making for the library. Whose hammock is this? It’s time to
take lunch. Thank you (all) for watching [literally: thank you because you
have watched]. Take care [literally: see to it that you may be well];
until the next time.
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