Thursday, February 6, 2025

07.02.25: Speaking Latin on Campus (University of Dallas) [2]; comprehension

Either listen to the video alone or follow the text below and answer the questions.

[1] Estisne discipulī rērum classicārum? Ego quoque (sum). Salvēte sodālēs. Vincentius loquor. Hodiē velim ostendere vōbīs ūnversitātem ubi nunc studeō litterīs classicīs: Universitās Dāllāsēnsis.

[i] What question does Vincent ask you? (1)

[ii] What does he want to do today and why? (2)

[2] Ecce turris. Nesciō utrum sit in mediō campī; fortasse nōn quia hinc possum vidēre viam. Novus discipulus sum; ergō nōndum vīdī neque intrāvī in omnia aedificia. Sed hodiē tempus mihi est. Volō deambulāre hīc ut omnia videam.

[iii] What tall building does he point out? (1)

[iv] What is he not sure of? (1)

[v] What can he see? (1)

[vi] True / false? Vincent’s been at the university for several years. (1)

[vii] True / false? He’s been in all the buildings. (1)

[viii] Why does he want to take a walk? (1)

[3] [background dialogue: Anglicē, id est, barbaricē loquimur; ignoscite]. Sciō aliquō locō esse sēminārium, sed nōn habeō tabulam geōgraphicam. Ergō nesciō ubi sit. Ut credō ibi invenītur; veritās -  virtūs – sapientia.

[ix] Why does Vincent apologise? (1)

[x] What building is he looking for? (1)

[xi] Why does he not know where it is? (1)

[xii] Which three very “Roman” characteristics does he refer to? (3)

[4] Frequentō tantum hoc aedificium quod appellātur ‘Anselm’ (ex nōmine Sānctī Anselmī Cantuariēnsis) in quō sunt conclāvia mea.

[xiii] True / false: Vincent uses several buildings when he studies. (1)

[xiv] Why does the building have the name ‘Anselm’ (2); note: he doesn’t say this but writes it in the subtitles.

[xv] What is in the building? (1)

[5] Nunc bibliothēcam petō. Cuius est hic lectus suspensus? Tempus est prandium sūmere. Grātiās vōbīs agō quod spectāvistis. Cūrāte ut valeātis; in proximum.

[xvi] Where is he heading to? (1)

[xvii] What question does he ask? (1)

[xviii] What time of the day is it? (1)


[i] Are you students?

[ii] Show you the university; he’s studying Classics there 

[iii] tower

[iv] whether it’s in the middle of the campus

[v] a road

[vi] false: he’s a new student

[vii] false: he’s not yet been in all the buildings

[viii] to see everything

[ix] they’re speaking in English

[x] seminary

[xi] doesn’t have a map

[xii] truth; virtue; wisdom

[xiii] false: he only goes to one building

[xiv] named after Saint Anselm of Canterbury

[xv] his classrooms

[xvi] the library

[xvii] Whose hammock is this?

[xviii] lunch time

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