Dē Tantalō fābulae multae et mīrae nārrantur; saepe ad cēnam ā deīs immortālibus vocātūs erat; semel deōs vocāvit. Magnam cēnam parāvit; simul “Deōrum,” inquit “sapientiam temptābō; carnem hūmānam prō ferīnā carne appōnam: deī fraudem nōn sentient.” Itaque Pelopem fīlium necāvit, carnem et membra in multās partēs dīvīsit et in aēnō* coxit. Tum cibum mīrum et horrendum deīs apposuit. Deī tamen fraudem statim sēnsērunt, nihil ēdērunt. Cerēs autem nūper fīlium āmīserat: propter dolōrem incautē Pelopis humerum ēdit. Magna erat deōrum īra propter fraudem: membra Pelopis iterum in aēnum posuērunt, iterum coxērunt; sīc vītam puerō īnfēlīcī reddidērunt. Prō humerō alter humerus eburneus datur: exinde semper Pelopidae omnēs alterum humerum candidum velut eburneum habēbant. Tantalum autem deī prō scelere magnīs suppliciīs pūnīvērunt.
-ī [2/n]: cauldron
Lines 1 – 2 (Saepe … vocāvit)
how the dinner invitations changed. (4); the greater number of points, the more
details need to be given: saepe ad cēnam ā deīs immortālibus
vocātūs erat; semel deōs vocāvit.
Lines 2 – 4 (Magnam … sentient)
how Tantalus intended to test the gods. (5); [i]
Lines 4 – 5 (Itaque … apposuit)
was Pelops and What did Tantalus do to him? (7); Itaque Pelopem [i] fīlium [ii]
necāvit, [iii] carnem et membra [iv] in multās partēs dīvīsit et [v] in aēnō [vi] coxit.
Tum [vii] cibum (mīrum
et horrendum) deīs apposuit.**
[4] Lines 5 – 6 (Deī … ēdērunt)
did the gods react? (3)
Lines 6 – 7 (Cērēs … ēdit)
did Ceres do and why was she careless? (3)
Lines 7 – 8 (Magna … reddidērunt)
- How did the gods react? (1)
- What did they do? (4)
Lines 8 – 10 (Prō … habēbant)
the appearance of the descendants of Pelops and explain the reason. (4)
10 – 11: Tantalum autem deī prō scelere magnīs suppliciīs pūnīvērunt. How
was Tantalus punished?
Find the three passive verbs in the text and give the translations.
Give the first person singular present tense of the following verbs from the
- dīvīsit [line 4]
- coxit [line 5]
- apposuit [line 5]
- sēnsērunt [line 6]
- āmīserat [line 6]
Give the nominative singular of the following nouns from the text:
- fraudem [line 3]
- carnem [line 4]
- membra [line 4]
- partēs [line 4]
- scelere [line 10]
- What does this text tell you about Man’s relationship with the gods?
- What is the object in the image called? Explain in your own words why it is given that name.
** [i] Tantalus’ / his son; [ii] killed him; [iii] divided the flesh and limbs [the body] [iv] into many parts; [v and vi] cooked it ¦ in a cauldron; [vii] served the food / it to the gods
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