Friday, October 25, 2024

19.01.25: Level 2; the passive voice [23]: the perfect passive [4]; translation practice [2]

All of the perfect passive participles in the previous post were from 1st conjugation verbs. However, the endings are not restricted to any particular conjugation. Here is a similar exercise, this time using verbs from the other conjugations. Again, complete the Latin sentences with the perfect passive participles in the word cloud (only one is used twice)

dēleō, dēlēre, dēlēvī, dēlētus [2]: destroy

doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus [2]: teach

moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus [2]: advise; warn

videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus [2]: see

dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus [3]: lead

scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptus [3]: write

capiō, capere, cēpī, captus [3-iō]: capture; take

interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus [3-iō]: kill

audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus [4]: hear

inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus [4]: find

[1] After an attack of eight months the city was destroyed. │ Post octo mēnsium oppugnātiōnem urbs __________ est.
[2] After an attack of eight months the town was destroyed. │ Post octo mēnsium oppugnātiōnem oppidum __________ est.
[3] Many books were written by Tacitus. │ Multī librī ā Tacitō __________ sunt.
[4] Medusa was killed by Perseus │ Medūsa ā Perseō __________ est.
[5] The student was advised by the teacher. │ Discipula ā magistrō __________ est.
[6] The students were advised by the teacher. │ Discipulī ā magistrō __________ sunt.
[7] This poem was written by Catullus. │ Hoc carmen ā Catullō __________ est.
[8] This story was written by my teacher. │ Haec fābula ā magistrō meō __________ est.

From the authors …

[9] But we were caught by this expression of Quintus Fufius │ Atque hāc vōce Q. Fūfī __________ sumus (Cicero)
[10] He was taught to play the lyre by Dionysius │ Citharīzāre … __________ est ā Dionȳsiō (Nepos)
[11] it looked like an invasion of the Aequi or the Volsci = the Aequi or the Volsci seemed [were seen] to be coming │ Aequī aut Volscī venīre __________ sunt (Livy)
[12] Nevertheless, the Rhodians and the Athenians were listened to in silence. │ Rhodiī tamen et Athēniēnsēs cum silentiō __________ sunt. (Livy)

From a Mediaeval fairy tale: a frog (rāna) talking to a crow (corvus) …

[13] Look! You’ve been taught to speak and I haven’t been taught │ Ecce tū loquī __________ es et ego nōn __________  [sum]

Examples from the Vulgate:

[14] And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on the earth. │ et in eā sanguis prophētārum et sānctōrum __________ est et omnium quī __________ sunt in terrā
[15] But it was in the fortress of Ecbatana in the province of Media that a scroll was found │ et __________ est in Ecbathānīs quod est castrum in Madenā prōvinciā volūmen ūnum
[16] So she was brought (led) to the chamber of King Assuerus │ __________ est itaque ad cubiculum rēgis Asuērī
[17] Then Jesus was led into the wilderness by the spirit │ Tunc Jēsus __________ est in dēsertum ā spīritū

audītī; captī; dēlēta; dēlētum; docta; doctus; doctus; ducta; ductus; interfecta; interfectī; inventum; inventus; monita; monitī; scrīpta; scrīptī;scrīptum; vīsī



  1. dēlēta
  2. dēlētum
  3. scrīptī
  4. interfecta
  5. monita
  6. monitī
  7. scrīptum
  8. scrīpta
  9. captī
  10. doctus
  11. vīsī
  12. audītī
  13. doctus; docta
  14. inventus; interfectī
  15. inventum
  16. ducta
  17. ductus

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