Friday, October 25, 2024

23.01.25: H & B; level 2; reading; Spurius Maelius

[A] In urbe ōlim magnā erat cibī inopiā. Tum Sp. Maelius, eques plēbēius propter dīvitiās nōtus, frūmentum in Etrūriā emēbat et cīvibus pauperibus aut parvō vēndēbat aut grātīs dabat. Propter līberālitātem magnō in honōre ā plēbēiīs habēbātur, patriciōrum autem īram movēbat. Itaque falsīs crīminibus accūsātus est. ‘Contrā populum Rōmānum,’ clāmābant patriciī, “Sp. Maelius coniūrat: rēgnum appetit: sī iam mūneribus plēbēiōrum animīs placuerit auctōritātemque cōnfirmāverit, iterum mox sub rēgis imperiō cīvitās Rōmāna tenēbitur” …

[1] Lines 1 – 3 (In urbe … movēbat)

  1. Who was Spurius Maelius?
  2. Where was he?
  3. What was he doing?
  4. Why was he doing it?
  5. How could he afford that?
  6. How much did he sell it for?
  7. Did everybody have to pay?
  8. What did the Plebeians think of him and why? (2)
  9. What did the Patricians think of him?

[2] Lines 3 – 6 (Contrā … tenebitur)

Which four of the following statements are correct? Of what was Spurius Maelius falsely accused?

  1. conspiracy with the Roman people
  2. influencing the roman people with gifts
  3. attacking the king
  4. conspiring against the Roman people
  5. receiving gifts from the plebeians
  6. strengthening the political authority of the king
  7. strengthening his own political authority
  8. wanting to become king

[B]  … “vōs, cīvēs, sī patriam [1] __________, Sp. Cassiī exemplō [2] __________,” Ingēns statim timor inter omnēs cīvēs [3] __________. Cincinnātus dictātor, C. Servīlius Ahāla magister equitum [4] __________. Dictātōris imperiō Maelius nōn [5] __________: tum Ahāla cum turbā iuvenum patriciōrum forum [6] __________; Maelium tēlīs [7] __________ et [8] __________. Diū inter Rōmānōs Ahālae factum [9] __________: hodiē tamen ā multīs Sp. Maelius vir bonus et pauperum amīcus [10] __________: nam Ahāla posteā [11] __________ et ex urbe in exsilium [12] __________.

Complete the Latin text using the translation and the verbs listed below.

You, citizens, if you love the fatherland, you will be warned by the example of Spurius Cassius. Enormous fear was (being) stirred amongst all the citizens. Cincinnatus was elected dictator, C. Servilius Ahala Master of the Horse. Maelius did not obey the authority of the dictator: then Ahala with a crowd of young patrician men entered the forum; they attacked and killed Maelius with weapons. For a long time the deed of Ahala was praised among the Romans; today, however, Sp, Maelius is regarded as a good man and friend of the poor, for later Ahala was condemned and he left the city (to go) into exile.

amātis; creātus est; damnātus est; discessit; habētur; intrāvit; laudābātur; monēbiminī; movēbātur; necāvērunt; oppugnāvērunt; pārēbat


Why do you think the patricians falsely accused Spurius Maelius? What is the “key threat” they emphasise to the Roman people and why would the people have reacted badly to that?

Gaius Servilius Ahala killing Spurius Maelius for plotting to make himself King of Rome, 439 BC.

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