Friday, October 25, 2024

22.01.25: Level 1; oral proficiency in Latin [2](2)

Read the introduction and then the Latin text.

The second king of Rome was Tullus Hostilius. During his reign, the Romans fought a war with their neighbours the Albans (Albanī). In each army there was a set of three brothers: the Horatiī, who were Romans, and the Cūriātiī, who were Albans. Tullus Hostilius and the Alban king agreed that these two sets of brothers would fight each other to determine the outcome of the war. The fighting began; almost immediately, two of the Horatii were killed. But all three of the Cūriātiī had been wounded.

Trēs Cūriātiī vulnerātī circum ūnum Horātium stābant. Albānī victōriam facilem exspectābant. Sed ūnus Horātius erat vir fortis et prūdēns. Subitō ā Cūriātīīs celeriter cucurrit et fugam simulāvit. Rōmānī erant trīstēs et sēcum dīcēbant, “Cūr Horātius noster fugit? Estne perterritus?”

Horātius autem nihil timēbat. Trāns agrum festīnābat; post eum trēs Cūriātiī cum difficultāte currēbant. Inter Cūriātiōs erant magna intervālla. Subitō Horātius sē convertit et prīmum Cūriātium interfēcit deinde alterum. Iam erat sōlus ūnus Albānus, quem dēfessum et vulnerātum sine difficultāte interfēcit Horātius.

accidō, accidere [3]: happen

dēfessus, -a, -um: tired

integer, -gra, -grum: (here) uninjured

interficiō, interficere [3-iō]: kill

intervāllum, -ī [2/n]: space; gap

lōrīca, -ae [1/f]: body armour consisting of leather thongs; coat of mail; breastplate

one of the images shows the remains of a type of lorica found at Corbridge

perterritus, -a, -um: frightened

sē convertit: turned round

simulō, simulāre [1]: pretend

sōlus, -a, -um: alone

vulnerātus, -a, -um: injured

Here are some questions about the image and the text; the answers (some of which are only one word) are listed at the end, but which answers go with which questions? Sometimes there is more than one answer.

[1] Quī sunt hī trēs virī lōrīcās nigrās gerentēs?  ____________________

[2] Quī est alter vir? ____________________

[3] Estne Horātius Rōmānus an Albānus? ____________________

[4] Suntne Cūriātiī integrī? [i] ____________________; [ii] ____________________

[5] Ā quibus fugit Horātius?  ____________________

[6] Quālis vir est Horātius? [i] ____________________; [ii] ____________________; [iii] ____________________

[7] Cūr sunt Rōmānī trīstēs? ____________________

[8] Ubī currit Horātius? ____________________

[9] Ubī currunt Cūriātiī? ____________________

[10] Quae sunt inter trēs Cūriātiōs? ____________________

[11] Quid accidit postquam Horātius sē convertit? [i] ____________________; [ii] ____________________

[12] Cūr est facile interficere tertium Cūriātium? [i] ____________________; [ii] ____________________

ab Albānīs fugit; Cūriātiī; deinde alterum; fortis; Horātius; Horātius interficit prīmum Cūriātium …; magna intervālla; minimē; nōn timet; post Horātium currunt; prūdēns; quod est dēfessus et …; quod Horātius fugit; Rōmānus; trāns agrum; vulnerātī sunt; vulnerātus

By FropFrop - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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