Friday, October 25, 2024

24.01.25: Level 1; oral proficiency in Latin [2](3); vocabulary

Trēs Cūriātiī vulnerātī circum ūnum Horātium stābant. Albānī victōriam facilem exspectābant. Sed ūnus Horātius erat vir fortis et prūdēns. Subitō ā Cūriātīīs celeriter cucurrit et fugam simulāvit. Rōmānī erant trīstēs et sēcum dīcēbant, “Cūr Horātius noster fugit? Estne perterritus?”Horātius autem nihil timēbat. Trāns agrum festīnābat; post eum trēs Cūriātiī cum difficultāte currēbant. Inter Cūriātiōs erant magna intervālla. Subitō Horātius sē convertit et prīmum Cūriātium interfēcit deinde alterum. Iam erat sōlus ūnus Albānus, quem dēfessum et vulnerātum sine difficultāte interfēcit Horātius.

[1] Match up the verbs below with the Latin verbs in the wordcloud

  1. Is he?
  2. (he) is fleeing / running away
  3. (he) ran
  4. (he) killed
  5. (he) turned around [= turned himself around]
  6. (he) pretended
  7. (he) was
  8. (they) were
  9. (he) was (not) afraid
  10. (he) was hurrying / started to hurry
  11. (they) were running
  12. (they) were saying / kept on saying
  13. (they) were expecting
  14. (they) were standing

[2] Match up other words from the text with the Latin in the wordcloud

  1. across
  2. after; behind
  3. already; now
  4. around
  5. between
  6. however
  7. nothing
  8. quickly
  9. suddenly
  10. then
  11. they were saying to themselves
  12. whom
  13. why?
  14. with difficulty
  15. without difficulty

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