Sunday, September 29, 2024

20.11.24: level 2 degrees of comparison [10]: translation practice

Complete the translations with the missing words and phrases listed below.

  1. Ego beātior sum ¦ illō. │ I’m __________ ¦ __________.
  2. Fīlius noster nunc aegrior est quam erat. │ Our son is now __________ than he was.
  3. Urbs frequentior est quam rūs. │ The city is __________ crowded __________ the countryside.
  4. Vir fortior nōn capiētur et interficiētur. │ A __________ man will not be captured and killed.
  5. Rēx multō prudentior quam frāter est. │ The king is __________ than his brother.
  6. Nihil libertāte melius est  │ Nothing is better __________.
  7. Tam dīves quam Croesus est. │ He is __________ as Croesus.
  8. Ille nōn tam altus quam hic est.  │ That man is not as __________ this one.
  9. Quantō gravius bellum est, tantō territior populus oppidī est. │ __________ serious the war, __________ are the people of the town.
  10. Cuius vultus pulchrior vidētur? │ Whose face seems __________?
  11. Saeviorne dea est quam illa? │ Is the goddess __________ than __________?
  12. Sextus est paulō minor quam Mārcus. │ Sextus is __________than Marcus.
  13. Hic discipulus est minus diligēns quam ille. │ This pupil is __________ hard-working than that one. 

a little smaller; as wealthy; crueller; less; more; more blessed; much wiser; prettier; sicker; tall as; than; than freedom; than he (is); that one; the more; the more frightened

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