Sunday, September 29, 2024

22.11.24: Level 1; Maxey [17] (2)

[2] Vesperī puella nōn it. Māne it. Pater cum puellā it. Māne in carrō pater et fīlia per agrōs et silvam properant. Equum habent. Equus bene currit quod est validus. Ā dextrā et ā sinistrā multa videt. Omnēs rēs sunt grātae. Subitō in agrō quattuor animālia videntur. Pater, sagittārius bonus, arcum et sagittās habēre cupit, sed puella est laeta quod nūlla tēla sunt in carrō quod animālia sunt amīcī Annae.

  1. When does the girl go? [1]
  2. Who goes with her? [1]
  3. How do they travel? [1]
  4. What places do they go through? [2]
  5. What two pieces of information are given about the horse? [2]
  6. The girl sees a lot of pleasant things: where? [2]
  7. What are seen in the field? [1]
  8. What do you think the father wants to do? How do you know? [4]
  9. Why is the girl happy? [2]

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