[i] Apart from the nom. sg. masc. / fem. [clarior; fortior], all
the comparative declension in -or has a long ō: clariōris, clariōrem; fortiōrī,
fortiōrēs etc.
[ii] There is an alternative accusative plural ending in -īs:
clariōrēs / clariōrīs; fortiōrēs / fortiōrīs
[iii] The only distinction between masc. / fem. forms and neut.
forms is in the nom. / acc sg. and pl.
[iv] Compare the declension of the comparative adjective and 3rd
declension nouns. Apart from the nominative singular and the neuter accusative
singular, the noun endings and the endings for the comparative adjective are
the same.
All comparative adjectives, apart from plūs, are formed in
the same way regardless of whether the positive form is 1st / 2nd declension or
3rd declension:
1st / 2nd declension: longus,
-a, -um > longior, -ius
3rd declension: brevis, -e > brevior, -ius
Latin tutorial: summary of all the points previously discussed:
Complete the translations with the words and phrases listed
- Aedificia meliora Rōmānī habent quam Gallī. │ The Roman have __________ buildings than the Gauls.
- Alpēs multō altiorēs quam collēs Rōmānī sunt. │ The Alps are __________ than the hills of Rome.
- Vidī nūbem candidiōrem, quae in caelō fulsit. │ I saw a __________ cloud, which shone in the sky
- Cucurrērunt per silvam nocte animālia ingentiōra. │ The __________ animals ran through the forest at night.
- Fābulam peiōrem numquam audīvī. │I’ve never heard a __________ tale.
- Rōmānī hostibus fortiōribus quam Graecīs resistēbant. │ The Romans were resisting an enemy __________ than the Greeks.
- Est ōvum avis maiōris. │ It’s the egg __________ bird.
- Lupī celeriōrēs ¦ canibus sunt. │ Wolves are __________ ¦ __________.
- Opera pulchriōra auctōris clāriōris legere dēbuimus. │ We had to read the __________ works of the __________ author.
- Studēmus carnī feriōris et pinguiōris animālis. │ We are eager for the meat of a __________ and __________ animal.
- Vult rēx īnsulae moenia altiōra quam templum aedificāre. │ The king of the island wants to build walls __________ the temple.
- Quō clārior poēta est, hōc pulchriōrēs versūs scrībit. │ __________ famous the poet is, __________ verses he writes.
- Clāmōrēs equitum plūrium audīvimus. │ We heard the shouts __________ cavalrymen.
better; braver; fatter; higher than; more famous; much
higher; of a bigger; of many; rather beautiful; rather huge; rather white; swifter;
than dogs; the more; the more beautiful; wilder; worse
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