Sunday, September 29, 2024

30.11.24: Level 1; Maxey [17] (4)

[4] Diū Anna cum Iūliā manet. Puellae per oppidum ambulant quod Anna magna aedificia vidēre cupit. Per viās longās ambulant. Oppidum est Annae grātum. Ubi trāns viās puellae īre cupiunt, interdum est perīculum, sed Anna et Iūlia sunt tūtae quod vir magnus, "Properāte, puellae," inquit; "tūtae estis quod hīc ego sum." Tum manūs puellārum capit et puellae cum virō benignō trāns viam fortiter currunt.

Iūlia trēs amīcās habet. Prīma est fīlia medicī. Secunda est fīlia poētae. Tertia est fīlia mīlitis quī iacula et alia tēla domī habet. In mēnsā stat pictūra virī quī in capite galeam habet. Hic vir fortiter pugnat. Hunc mīlitem Anna laudat quod est pater amīcae.

Paragraph #1: The following statements are false; correct them.

  1. Anna briefly stays with Julia.
  2. They walk through the forest.
  3. The town has small buildings and the streets are narrow.
  4. Anna doesn’t like the town.
  5. It’s easy to cross the roads.
  6. A policeman helps them.
  7. He takes their arms.
  8. They walk across the road.

Paragraph #2

[1] Find the Latin:

  1. (her) friend’s father
  2. a doctor’s daughter
  3. a picture of a man
  4. a soldier’s daughter
  5. the daughter of a poet
  6. at home
  7. on (his) head
  8. on the table

[2] The father of Julia’s third friend is a soldier. Give three pieces of information about him.

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