Saturday, May 4, 2024

10.04.24: pointing to the future; expressions of time [4]

  1. Ego numquam indicābō. (Cicero) ¦ I’ll never betray it.
  2. Numquam vōbīs grātiam referam (Cicero) ¦ I can never thank you enough.
  3. Tibi lībellam argentī numquam crēdam (Plautus) ¦ I will never entrust a penny’s worth of silver to you
  4. Quī quidem semper erunt clārī, (Cicero) ¦ They indeed will always be famous
  5. Ego... semper sine ūllā dubitātiōne ... faciam. (Cicero) ¦ I shall always without any hesitation carry out <whatever I think you wish>
  6. Satis erit in perpetuum Būthrōtiīs praesidiī, (Cicero) ¦ That will be sufficient to safeguard Buthrotum for ever
  7. Erit eī servus in saeculum (Vulgate) ¦ And he shall be his servant forever.

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