Saturday, May 4, 2024

24.04.24: 3rd declension adjectives [5]; omnis, -e

This word came up in earlier posts. It is a very important adjective in this 2 termination category.

singular: omnis (masculine; femine); omne (neuter) means ‘every’; ‘the entirety’

  • Gallia est omnis dīvīsa in partēs trēs. (Caesar) │ All / the whole of Gaul is divided into three parts

plural: omnēs (masculine; feminine); omnia (neuter): in the plural means ‘all’

  • Omnēs cīvēs ad amphitheātrum festīnant.│ All the citizens hurry to the amphitheatre.

It very often occurs on its own in the plural referring to people or things

omnēs: everyone

  • Tē laudant omnēs ¦ Everyone praises you (note: plural in Latin i.e. all (people) praise you

omnia: all things

  • Labor omnia vincit │ Work conquers all things

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