Third declension adjectives are the last of the adjective declensions. They all take the same endings but there is a difference in the nominative singular. Here are three third declension adjectives:
[1] audāx: bold, daring;
only one form for masculine, feminine and neuter
[2] fortis [masculine and
feminine], forte [neuter]: brave, strong; two forms (i) for
masculine and feminine (ii) for neuter
[3] celer [masculine],
celeris [feminine], celere [neuter]: fast; three forms, a different
ending for all three genders
Therefore, …
[1] audāx is
an adjective of one termination
[2] fortis, forte is
an adjective of two terminations
[3] celer, celeris,
celere is an adjective of three terminations
Those are the expressions
used in grammar.
(I used to note these as,
for example: fortis, -e [3/2t] i.e. it’s a third
declension adjective with two terminations. That’s not a
standard way of doing it, but that’s what I used.)
Below are some examples of
third declension adjectives.
One termination
Adjectives of one
termination can, like 3rd declension nouns, have a variety of forms in the
nominative singular.
audāx: bold; daring; reckless
caelebs: unmarried; single.
dīves: wealthy
fēlīx: happy
prūdēns: wise
vetus: old
Two terminations
Adjectives of two
terminations, to which by far the largest group of 3rd
declension adjectives belong, have a nominative singular in -is for masculine
and feminine, and -e for neuter.
brevis, -e: short; brief
crūdēlis, -e: cruel
difficilis, -e: difficult
facilis, -e: easy
fidēlis, -e: faithful; loyal
fortis, -e: brave; strong
gravis, -e: grave; heavy
levis, -e: light (not heavy)
nōbilis, -e: noble
pinguis, -e: fat; plump
trīstis, -e: sad
Three terminations
There are very few 3rd
declension adjectives of three terminations; all of them end in -er in
the masculine, -is in the feminine and -ein the neuter; note
that, with the exception of celer, the -er ending, like
some 2nd declension masculine nouns, loses the -e- when an ending is added.
celer, celeris, celere:
fast; swift
Note the loss of the /e/ in
the others:
acer, acris, acre:
sharp; bitter; keen; eager; cruel
alacer, alacris, alacre:
lively; brisk; cheerful; eager
celeber, celebris, celebre:
paluster, palustris,
palustre: swampy; marshy
volucer, volucris, volucre:
winged; able to fly
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