Saturday, May 4, 2024

24.04.24: 3rd declension adjectives [4]; examples of 3rd declension 2 termination adjectives in the different cases: plural


[1] Nominative: -ēs [m/f], -ia [n]

[i]: masculine and feminine have the same ending: -ēs

  • Mīlitēs sunt ¦ fortēs. │ The soldiers are ¦ brave.

[ii] neuter: -ia

  • Animālia sunt ¦ ūtilia. │ Animals are ¦ useful.

[2] Genitive: -ium

all genders have the same ending: -ium

  • fābulae dē factīs ¦ fortium ¦ virōrum │ tales about the deeds ¦ of bravemen

[3] Dative: -ibus

all genders have the same ending: -ibus

  • Rēx ¦ fortibus ¦ ¦ mīlitibus praemia dat. │ The king gives rewards ¦ to the brave soldiers.

[4] Accusative -ēs [m/f]; -ia [n]

[i] masculine and feminine have the same ending: -ēs i.e. the same as the nominative plural

  • Scrībae ¦ brevēs ¦ epistulās scrībunt. │ The scribes are writing ¦ shortletters.

Note again! 3rd declension adjectives are not only used with 3rd declension nouns; they just happen to share the same endings:

Scrībae brevēs [3rd declension adjective in the accusative] epistulās [2d declension noun in the accusative] scrībunt.

[ii] neuter: -ia i.e. the same as the nominative plural

  • Omnia* dūra ac difficilia iūdicāmus (Seneca) │ we judge all things hard and difficult

Bear this word in mind!

[5] Ablative: -ibus

all genders have the same ending: -ibus

  • Rēx ā mīlitibus ¦ fortibus ¦ servātur. │ The king is saved ¦ by the brave soldiers. 

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