Saturday, May 4, 2024

13.04.24: 4th declension; vocabulary [1] - “exploring” vocabulary

When you’re working with kids, you have to devise a whole range of methods to help them learn vocabulary: word searches, crosswords, match the word with the image, unscramble the letters, fill in the gaps etc. Another way is simply to “talk” about the words, give some additional, hopefully, interesting piece of information or show how it’s found its way into English. So, over the next few posts, I’ll give some information about a few of these 4th declension nouns which, I hope, will be a bit more interesting than staring at a list of words on a piece of A4. Also, by “exploring” them, you realise that they aren’t all as alien as they may first appear.

And, with reference to an earlier post, you may well remember that 4th declension noun ēgressus (exit) simply by its association with P.T. Barnum.

We’ll begin with a few words which have been adopted into English, and a few which have English derivatives.

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